Tuesday, 15 March 2011

un mois..reflections

un mois..one month

Yes I have now been over here in France for just over a month, and has time flown by. So much has gone on, lots has been learnt and there's still lots to be done and a long way to go! One thing I will say about this first month is I've loved every minute of it...roll on the next 7!

After sitting out Circuit du Morbihan (leg still wasn't right and didn't want to make it worse) on Sunday, I've had a bit of time to reflect on my first 4 weeks and these are some of the things I've learnt....

1, The weather over here is either terrible (torrential grim rain) or beautiful (sunny and a barmy 16 degrees in March)

2, The French roads are awesome..so quiet, hardly a car in sight,got short/long hills, flat sections, even cobbles to train on!

3, Shopping for food is not cheap, Lidl is definately the way forward!

4, The French love an afternoon training ride, still getting my head round this one! Sure my fellow Essex riders would find this strange as well.

5, Races are brutal, well I am starting season with hardest races but still full on and really, really good! Just need to rack up some results!

6, en ligne, a big loop before finishing circuits, every race seems to include this.

7, The French are quiet laid back about paperwork, still have my licence in letter form rather than a card

8, The physios over here don't like massages, would rather hook you up to a machine it would seem.

9, The French are the most polite people you can meet, so much hand shaking goes on here!

10, In France it seems ok to literally urinate any where! Has to be seen to be believed...

11, Far Breton, the regional cake is awesome, only after a race of course.

12, French like you giving the language a go even if you are pretty useless at it!

So there we have it, a few of many reflections on my first month here. A completely different, more relaxed way of life and the best racing I've ever done.

I'm sure lots more learning and new experiences coming up, and yes a lot more racing and hopefully some big results as well!

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