Wednesday, 16 February 2011

1st week and its all go!

Thought I'd give a brief run through of first couple of days so far...

after an early start sunday, Myself and Tony Mills boarded the train from London down to Southampton. This was in theory a simple journey and even with a last min platform change (cue legging it down flight of stairs with bike box,bag and suitcase!) it was a stress free journey to airport then a 45 min flight, on a ridiculously small (propeller!) plane to Rennes. There we were met by Tony Mills senior who drove us the hour or so to Pont Augan, a very small town/village in Southern Brittany. After a nice roast dinner put on by Mrs Mills I was all ready to hit the hay!

Monday, and first ride on French soil! A very wet one at that. Rode down into Hennebont and back on rather big roads. Not wanting to get lost it was an out and back job, but still with very little traffic was a breeze. 2hrs to get sunday's travelling out of legs. A quick lunch later before heading into town, with Karen, the lady I'm currently staying with.

There I had a list, a big one at that!

first step, French phone, I was now in communication! Then a trip to supermarket to stock up. Food sorted! As the nearest supermarkets in Baud, a good few miles away it was a chance to get some much needed supplies.

Finally a visit to the docs and using my best French managed to get a letter giving permission for me to race in France. All the better, unlike England's GP wanting to charge me £85 for a letter, the French doc did it for free!

well that sums up first couple of days, a busy couple but once settled in should calm down a bit

Ill check in later in week for more musings and insights into my first week en France!

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